CCC-linked violence escalates across the country

A source who spoke to this publication has revealed that last week, one CCC member, Langton Paratema, had an argument with a Zanu PF member, Tawanda Tayimu, at Chapungu Bar in Chirundu, which generated into violence, leading to the attack on Tayimu.

The source further revealed that Paratema picked up a huge stone that was near him, and he hit Tayimu, who sustained a deep cut on the head, collapsed and was rushed to Chirundu Hospital, where he is battling for his life.

“It is so sad to note that the CCC continues to be violent, targeting Zanu PF members following its defeat in the August 2023 Harmonised General Elections. Tayimu was attacked by stones by CCC member Paratema at Chapungu Bar in Chirundu on November 09 over an argument about the 2023 Harmonised General Elections. CCC must accept that they were defeated and move on,” said the source.

According to the source, this was not the first time that Tayimu was attacked by CCC members. In 2018, he was attacked by CCC hooligans, and his clothes were torn apart following that party`s defeat in that year`s harmonised general elections.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) recorded 30 CCC-linked violence incidences across the country, which was politically motivated. In that report, Harare had six cases, while Manicaland recorded 10.

Recently, in Gutu West constituency Ward 7, CCC member Ephraim Morudu assaulted a Zanu PF supporter in Bhuka village. The incident has led to his arraignment before the courts, where he is now awaiting his fate.