Eaglesvale High School inspires future leaders at career guidance fair

Staff Reporter

Eaglesvale High School recently hosted a vibrant and impactful Career Guidance Fair, bringing together students, educators, and industry professionals to explore diverse career paths.

The event aimed to equip students with critical knowledge to help shape their futures beyond high school.

Notably, the fair featured insightful presentations from esteemed professionals, offering students a unique glimpse into various industries and the opportunities they hold.

One of the highlights was Wendy Madzura, a seasoned agronomist, who passionately shared her journey and underscored the role of mentorship in career development.

Madzura advocated for career guidance to become a regular part of everyday conversations.

She emphasized how personal stories of struggle and success can inspire younger generations and help them avoid the financial challenges she faced during her educational journey.

As a woman in the male-dominated field of agronomy, Madzura urged students, particularly young women, to explore careers in agriculture, a sector filled with opportunities for those who are determined to succeed.

She recounted her own rise from an agronomist at Seedco to head agronomist, illustrating the growth potential within the field.

Representatives from Air Zimbabwe also captivated students with insights into civil aviation, expanding their understanding of the airline industry and the various roles available within it.

The event received overwhelming praise from both students and educators, with many highlighting the importance of community involvement in guiding youth toward meaningful and successful careers.

 Eaglesvale High School remains committed to fostering a forward-thinking environment, equipping its students with the tools and information necessary to make informed decisions about their futures.