Manyame Water Treatment Plant to Boost Harare's Water Supply

Staff reporter

Construction of the Manyame Water Treatment Plant is expected to greatly improve Harare's water supply. This ambitious project, expected to cost US$180 million, seeks to address the City's chronic water shortages by processing water from Lake Manyame.

A source from Harare City Council revealed specific insights into the Government’s ambitious five-year plan, which includes the construction of the Manyame Water Treatment Plant through a public-private partnership.

“There are plans for constructing a new water treatment plant at Lake Manyame, estimated to cost $180 million. Upon completion, the plant will add an impressive 300 megalitres of treated water to Harare's daily supply,” said the source.

According to the source, the plan emphasizes the necessity of improving infrastructure to support urban growth and the quality of life for Harare residents. He emphasized that with Lake Manyame as a reliable water source, even during dry seasons, this project has the potential to be a game changer for the city's water supply network.

“The project aims not only to meet the immediate water needs of Harare's residents but also to provide a long-term solution to the City's chronic water shortages. This endeavour reflects a strategic approach to leverage both public and private sector resources, ensuring efficient and sustainable water supply management,” said the source.

Meanwhile, the current Morton Jaffray Water Works has a design capacity of 704 mega litres but suffers from leaks and insufficient cash for water treatment. The new facility at Lake Manyame, with its consistent water supply and cleaner water than Lake Chivero, promises a more sustainable alternative.

Lake Manyame is typically around 70 percent full during the dry months, and has a total capacity of 250 billion litres. This $180 million project is set to contribute 200 megalitres of purified water daily, promising significant enhancements in residents' quality of life. Through a public-private partnership and infrastructure investment, it aims for immediate relief and sustainable solutions, utilizing Lake Manyame as a reliable water source, particularly in dry seasons, presents a transformative shift in Harare's water supply system from the Morton Jaffray's challenges.