Zimbabweans need to unite against the enemy`s nefarious agenda

The journey of Zimbabwe towards economic recovery is not an easy one. It needs men with fortitude and it’s not for the faint hearted. It also needs the effort of every Zimbabwean to succeed. United we will win but divided we will fall.

The need for unity cannot be overemphasized as the main opposition party MDC has been pursuing its “jecha” narrative, fighting all efforts by the Government in the road to economic recovery. MDC is making it a point to disrupt any government engagement effort. The latest hullabaloo being the skirmishes that occurred at Harvest House last week between the party’s rowdy supporters and the police details who were trying to maintain peace and security.  The stage-managed ruckus was meant to coincide with EU-Zim re-engagement efforts.

Whenever Government is making engagements and re-engagements efforts, the MDC party ensures that it causes commotion in the country so as to provoke the law enforcement agents. If the law enforcers act they will start to sing from a well-crafted script of “abuse of human rights” so as to soil the Government engagements and reengagements efforts.

When this happens the United States of America which unilaterally imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe so as to push for a regime change agenda will start to propagate its usual anti-government drivel as a way of discrediting it.

After last week’s police provocation, it did not take time for the Assistant Secretary of USA Affairs to tweet lambasting the Government.

“We are concerned by the police`s unprovoked use of force against peaceably assembled Zimbabweans today and call on the Government of Zimbabwe to cease such violence against its own population.

“We note that the passage of new legislation has had no impact on the actions of the Government of Zimbabwe`s respect of freedom of assembly and other rights. We urge the Government of Zimbabwe to respect its 2013 Constitution in permitting non-violent gatherings,” tweeted Nagy.

What is surprising about the tweet of Nagy is that, he does not take time to investigate the cause of violence. His decisions are always pre-determined towards the MDC opposition party whom the USA wants to use to topple the Government in power. This raises the question if the MDC’s shenanigans are not scripted by their desperate pay-masters.

However some Zimbabweans are seeing through the US’s tomfooleries and in response to Nagy, wrote the following;

“DID YOU KNOW? It`s not fortuitous that MDC-A Chamisa set his HONA provocation yesterday, a day before the resumption of Zim/EU higher level talks set for today,21st November,2019,and that America which is opposed to these talks has been swift with its one-sided condemnation of the illegal gathering, obstructive demonstrations by opposition.

“However you translate HONA [dry, meatless bone, or simply behold], MDC-A is hell-bent on wrecking re-engagement efforts through contrived political spectacle [beyond!] to ensure sterile outcome [dry bone!],” tweeted Jamwanda.

The USA has never supported the Zim`s re-engagement mantra and would want the country to remain isolated in its bid to effect regime change.

It is however, progressive to note that African countries now understand the machinations of the US and are saying NO to its heinous manoeuvres.

On 25 October 2019, all SADC countries rallied together in a bid to protest against the sanctions which were unilaterally imposed on Zimbabwe. This development alone now shows that SADC member states are now working together to build Africa and will not accept the Western countries to interfere in the running of their own affairs.

This development is progressive for Zimbabwe because it means that we are no longer fighting the enemy that wants to destroy us, alone.

What better time for Zimbabweans to speak with one voice and work together in fighting the enemy who has proved beyond doubt that she does not care about any Zimbabwean even those whom are being used to tarnish their own motherland.

The Transitional Stabilisation Programme needs to be complemented by all our efforts despite political, ethnical, religious differences. We will conquer the enemy that wants to frustrate all our engagement and re-engagements efforts on our road to achieving Vision 2030.