Zimbos weary of protests

In this day and era it would be foolhardy to ignore the stages societies go through until they become standardised or enlightened as far as their livelihood is concerned. There surely is a notable difference in the manner in which we have evolved from the Stone Age to modern societies regarded as First World and Third World countries etc.

Failure to recognise the transition consequently results in one becoming a social misfit and ultimately booking a seat on the wrong side of history. That having been said, the idea of taking to the streets protesting, striking and destroying properties to send a political message becomes archaic and counter-productive to say the least.

Each rally Chamisa has been addressing has been characterised by this indecorous message punctuated by subversive behaviour. The opposition leader for some crazy reason thinks the chaos he created and emanated to assume the reins of power at his political party applies at the national level. In Beitbridge, he brazenly declared to make Zimbabwe ungovernable and repeated the same in Marondera.

Dr Thokozani Khupe and her Deputy, Obert Gutu are still to come to terms with the violence they suffered at the hands of Chamisa when they were almost burnt alive in a hut they had sought refuge as they ran away from the mob set on them by the opposition leader. An old adage says ‘never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake’, but to watch Chamisa behave like a bull in China shop was too much for onlookers even those in ZANU PF.

I for one thought perhaps the violent characterisation of Chamisa was a creation of hostile propaganda and other various media misrepresentation until his latest confrontation of a motorist on his way from Marondera rally. Apparently, he has no other message than to physically exterminate or subdue anything that dares cross his path. Everyone was made to believe Chamisa’s life was in danger yet the reverse is true. The motorist in question has filed a Police report against Chamisa over the harassment he suffered at the hands of the delusional opposition leader.

The odds are certainly against Chamisa in the melee as tables are turning against him in this case of mere road rage. Everywhere he goes there are footprints of violence and the nation is currently busy following through debates and testimonies of 1 August 2018 post-election violence orchestrated by the MDC.

It was funny watching a social media skit which showed an MDC Vanguard leader, Shakespeare Mukoyi, asking for Chamisa’s permission to carry out a drill by that party’s militant wing at their rally. However, the past events which have seen Harare’s Central Business District turning into an arena of running battles between the crazed MDC youths, vendors and the Police brings to reality that Chamisa means business when he vows to make Zimbabwe ungovernable by means of violence. Gun shots which used to be a rarity in Zimbabwe are no longer an amusement.

Sadly, the violence drive leaves the Zimbabwean youth exposed like a pawn on a chase board after having been drugged by all sorts of intoxicants. A visit at the backyard of MDC headquarters Harvest House (Richard Morgan Tsvangirai House) along Nelson Mandela road in Harare; one sees empty containers of Broncleer cough syrup the youths habitually consume for bravado to cause mayhem.

One thing for sure is that Chamisa is taking advantage of the peace message President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been preaching to advance his archaic political manoeuvres. It is high time Government put its ear to the ground and root out all gun totting vigilantes being sponsored by MDC to cause violence before things go out of hand. Chamisa has made it no secret that he wants to remain stuck in history as he orchestrates and choreographs violence in Zimbabwe.

Nevertheless, Zimbabweans are not empty vessels in which anyone can come and fill up with all kind of hogwash. The recent tutorial in that regard was given to Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) Secretary General, Raymond Majongwe, who attempted to rally his membership to picket against Government at Government Offices. The call up, turned out to be a dumb squib and no show as his march or protest failed to make it even on WhatsApp or any other media forum.