Opposition political parties’ promises leave a lot to be desired

by Christopher Makaza

The 2018 plebiscite has witnessed a plethora of new political parties with some funny and comical leaders who seem not to be serious in their endeavour to address the nation`s challenges as witnessed by their manifestos and their wayward promises which are being published in the local media.

Unlike ZANU PF which has realistic and achievable promises most of these new and seasoned opposition elements are promising heaven on earth, a case in point Nelson Chamisa promised spaghetti roads and airports at every Zimbabwe`s village and households. Last week, MDC Alliance’s Tendai Biti who seems to be drinking from the same cup of madness like his leader Chamisa said whites will come with lorries and buses full of money to Zimbabwe if the-barely-holding Alliance wins this July`s harmonised election.

Addressing party supporters in Shamva, last weekend, Biti said Zimbabweans would have to open new US dollar bank accounts on August 1 after they get into power. Mr Biti also promised that they would replace all thatched houses with three bedroomed solar powered structures. The question becomes, “What`s bad about thatched houses?” Some thatched houses are even more beautiful and expensive than tiled ones.

The National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) president Professor Lovemore Madhuku revealed that he is not expecting to win in this July`s presidential elections, but will use the opportunity as a stepping stone for eventual victory in 2023. Is Madhuku therefore serious or he is just contesting for the sake of it? Unfortunately, these opposition elements who lack seriousness are the very ones who cry foul when serious and determined candidates like President Mnangagwa wins the election.

National Patriotic Front (NPF) leader Engineer Peter Munyanduri who is also one of the 23 candidates contesting for the country`s presidency in the upcoming polls promised that once elected into power, he will create  a Ministry of Entertainment in the office of the president to promote a happy society. He added that his administration will also establish a parastatal called the Fruit Authority of Zimbabwe charged with maintaining a fruit forest fashioned along the lines of the Garden of Eden to provide people with fruits. Surely is this the kind of leaders Zimbabweans need. People currently need leaders who address bread and butter issues, who create jobs like what President Mnangagwa is doing not creating entertainment Ministries like what Munyanduri is promising.

Zimbabwe Partnership for Prosperity (ZIPP) presidential candidate Dr Blessing Kasiyamhuru highlighted that their mandate is a generational mandate with vision 2040 where they want the generation of that time to enjoy the fruits of the seed they are ploughing on July 30 without outlining what exactly they want to do to improve the economy and reach that envisioned paradise.

United Democracy Movement (UDM) leader Mrs Violet Mariyacha promised that if elected into power her focus would be to inject enough cash into the economy to clear bank queues within three weeks. Without addressing the economic fundamentals underpinning the cash crisis, this is surely unachievable and unrealistic. The 61 year old aspiring presidential candidate who is also a human rights activist and author implored the electorate to vote for her so as to get a motherly response to their challenges.

ZANU PF candidate President Emmerson Mnangagwa has proven to be a mature leader who believes in uplifting the youth as the future of Zimbabwe with lined up policies on youth empowerment, education and skills development. He is determined to bring sustainable development to Zimbabwe and promote inclusive development policies centred on highly productive agricultural, mining and manufacturing sectors. He also seeks to promote an efficient and stable financial system, a robust physical infrastructure, innovation, an empowered Zimbabwean people and mutually beneficial international relationships that protect the interests of Zimbabweans and its future generations.