Devolution key in national unity and development: Pres. E.D

Staff Reporter

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has directed Ministers of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution to enhance their leadership in implementing Zimbabwe’s devolution agenda, warning against delays in reporting and absenteeism from key Government meetings.

Addressing the ministers at State House, the President emphasised that devolution is a cornerstone of national unity, social cohesion, and economic transformation.

“Devolution is also critically important for national unity, social cohesion, and safeguarding the indivisibility of Zimbabwe as a sovereign-unitary state.

As Provincial Ministers, you are directed to demonstrate the leadership capability, integrity, and humility that rallies all our communities, across all districts, within provinces, around the common national vision, and the indivisibility of our country,” President Mnangagwa said

President Mnangagwa also urged the ministers to take an active role in improving the livelihoods of Zimbabweans at the grassroots level, stressing that development must be inclusive.

“You have a duty at the grassroots level to ensure that our society has vitality and hope, living in unity, peace, and harmony. It is under such environments that we can realise sustainable development and prosperity for our motherland, for both present and future generations,” he said.

The President further instructed the ministers to be proactive in industrialising and modernising their respective provinces.

“As Ministers of Provincial Affairs, you must fully play your part to advance the industrialisation and modernisation of our communities, districts, and provinces.

You should lead from the front in championing the implementation of people-centred development projects in a coherent manner, leaving no one and no place behind,” President Mnangagwa added

The President stressed that provincial governments must take a leading role in economic growth.

“I expect provinces to emerge stronger, dynamic, and competitive economic hubs, with marked growth across all sectors. To this end, we are shifting paradigms, transforming Ministries of Provincial Affairs and Devolution from being merely administrative or ceremonial to championing economic development programmes at the sub-national level,” he stated

President Mnangagwa applauded the recent validation of Provincial Economic Development Plans, stating that they must align with the National Development Strategy 2 (NDS2).

The implementation of the National Development Strategy 2 must give impetus and greater focus on building modern, sustainable, and resilient provincial economies,” he said.

The President’s remarks reinforce Government’s push for an effective devolution framework, with ministers expected to spearhead economic transformation and social development in their provinces.