Govt, 4-H Foundation empower Hurungwe farmers

Staff Reporter

The Government, in partnership with the 4-H Foundation, has launched a rural community engagement program aimed at enhancing women’s resilience and equipping farmers in Hurungwe District with climate-smart agricultural practices.

The three-day training program, held in Hurungwe West, capacitated farmers from Wards 16, 24 and 26. The first day’s session in Ward 26 was attended by 129 participants, including 31 youths.

Speaking to the attendees, the Program Manager for 4-H Zimbabwe, Didmus Dewa, emphasised the critical link between climate change and agriculture.

“We are here to educate farmers on how to adapt to climate change, utilising conservative agricultural practices that will enable them to thrive in the face of unpredictable weather patterns. Our goal is not only to improve agriculture but to empower farmers to advocate for policies that promote climate resilience,” Dewa explained.

One of the beneficiaries, 101-year-old Gogo Mararahanda from Ward 16, expressed her gratitude for the support she received through the initiative.

“At my age, working on my field is no easy task, but the community’s unity in ploughing my land and the donation of seeds from 4-H Zimbabwe means so much to me. I never imagined that people would come together to help me in this way,” she said.

The Member of Parliament for Hurungwe, Keith Guza,encouraged the community members to adhere to the education they were receiving from 4-H Zimbabwe and Agritex officers from the wards.

"I encourage all of you to embrace the education provided by 4-H Zimbabwe and Agritex officers. The knowledge shared here today is invaluable and will lead to a more resilient community," he urged.

Councilor Matimbe from Ward 16 thanked the 4-H Foundation for its commitment to empowering local farmers.

“The pfumvudza/intwasa farming method has already shown tremendous potential in maximising the output of smaller plots of land, and we are grateful for the training that will help us further our agricultural success,” said Matimbe.

The training program, which included hands-on demonstrations and discussions, has left farmers better equipped to tackle the challenges posed by climate change and to adopt sustainable farming practices that will benefit their communities for years to come. 4-H Zimbabwe is a community based NGO whose mission is to “empower and capacitate youth to be responsible, caring and contributing leaders that effect positive change in the world around them”.

This initiative aligns with Zimbabwe's Vision 2030, which aims to transform the country into an upper-middle-income economy by promoting sustainable agricultural development, climate resilience, and poverty reduction. By empowering farmers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the impacts of climate change, this partnership contributes directly to achieving the vision’s goal of a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient economy.