School children warned not to cross flooded rivers this rainy season

Staff Reporter

School authorities are urging school children to stay safe this rainy season by avoiding crossing flooded rivers.

The warning comes after the current rains being experienced across the country.

Matabeleland South Provincial Education Director,Beatrice Manjere, noted that pupils must either stay at school or at home when rivers are flooded.

"As the Ministry of Education, we discourage our learners from attempting to cross flooded rivers. It has always been our policy that pupils must stay on the safe side of the river whenever there are floods."

"In the event that learners get marooned on the school side of the river, teachers play the role of guardian and parent by keeping them safe at school until the river subsides. As heavy rains continue, we advise children to be vigilant during this rainy season. We advise teachers and parents to come up with alternate routes that avoid areas known to flood, and encourage children to stay indoors or in safe spaces until conditions improve," she said.

The warning comes as officials report that rapid rainfall has caused water levels to rise quickly, making river crossings dangerous and unpredictable.

"Flooded rivers can be deceiving. What might look like a shallow stream can quickly become a fast-moving current, and the consequences of attempting to cross can be deadly. School children must desist from crossing flooded rivers and bridges, especially during this rainy season, which has been characterized by incessant rainfall across the country,” said Headman Gideon Muswere of Gutu.

Schools are encouraged to implement safety measures and advise parents to accompany younger children if possible.

Government is also calling on communities to stay alert and avoid traveling through flood zones unless absolutely necessary.

With more rain forecasted in the coming weeks, the region remains on high alert. Local authorities continue to monitor the situation and advise everyone, particularly school children, to be cautious and stay informed about weather warnings.