People with disabilities call for unconditional removal of sanctions on Zimbabwe

Staff Reporter

As Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries prepare to mark Zimbabwe Anti-Sanctions Day this Friday, the People with Disabilities for Economic Development (ED) have renewed their calls for the unconditional removal of economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by Western nations.

The group argues that these sanctions have been a significant barrier to the country’s economic growth and have had a particularly harsh impact on the disabled community.

During a meeting held in Chinhoyi yesterday, Patron of the People with Disabilities for ED and also the co-founder of the Coalition Against Sanctions Zimbabwean Chapter, Mr. Jimayi Muduvuri condemned the sanctions for undermining national progress.

“As the People with Disabilities for ED, we have gathered to join the rest of the country in denouncing the illegal sanctions. We are witnessing economic development under the able leadership of President Mnangagwa, but these efforts are hindered by these sanctions. This means the government cannot afford to cater to every citizen, and the disabled constituency often bears the brunt of these crises,” he said.

People with Disabilities for ED member Charles Mugwamba, highlighted how sanctions have indirectly reduced people with disabilities to beggars.

“Government cannot access lines of credit from international financial institutions like the World Bank, leaving many of us struggling. Sanctions have affected us for a long time, as it is difficult and expensive to acquire wheelchairs. The sanctions have made it more difficult and expensive for people with disabilities to access essential resources, such as mobility aids,” he explained.

Another group representative, Emily Muchaembera acknowledged the efforts of President Emmerson Mnangagwa to drive economic growth but stressed that the full potential of these efforts is stifled by the sanctions.

“Our President is working round the clock to ensure that the country is developed, but his efforts are hindered by these illegally imposed sanctions. They should be removed unconditionally,” urged Muchaembera.

This year’s SADC Anti-Sanctions Day will be observed under the theme, “Embracing Innovation towards Vision 2030: The Relentless Fight against Illegal Sanctions.” The event aims to highlight how the sanctions impede Zimbabwe’s path to sustainable development and call for solidarity across the region in urging their removal.