Chiefs hails "Zunde RaMambo" program

Staff Reporter

"Zunde RaMambo" program is making significant strides in addressing food insecurity among vulnerable populations. Recently, Chief Gutu emphasized the importance of this initiative during a distribution event held in his area.

"We are grateful for the support provided through the 'Zunde RaMambo' program," Chief Gutu stated. "This grain allocation is crucial for our communities, especially as many families are struggling to meet their daily nutritional needs."

The program, aimed at empowering local leaders to aid those in need, allows chiefs to distribute grain directly to vulnerable individuals and families. Chief Gutu noted that the initiative not only helps alleviate hunger but also strengthens community ties.

"The grain we receive is a lifeline for many in our community. It fosters solidarity and ensures that no one is left behind," he added. "We encourage our community members to work together and support each other during these challenging times."

As the distribution continues, local leaders are optimistic about the program's potential impact on food security in the region. Chief Gutu reiterated the commitment of chiefs to continue their role in safeguarding the welfare of their communities.

"This is just the beginning. We will continue to advocate for our people's needs and ensure that support reaches those who require it most," he concluded.

The community has applauded the Chief and the Government for providing food relief for the community

"We are deeply grateful to our Chief and the Government for their timely and generous food relief efforts. Your support has brought hope and sustenance to our community in times of need."

The "Zunde RaMambo" program reflects a growing recognition of the critical role of local governance in addressing food insecurity in Zimbabwe.