ZANU PF Legislators drive development under Pres Mnangagwa

Staff Reporter

ZANU PF legislators are making significant strides in their constituencies, in line with President Emmerson Mnangagwa's mantra of leaving no place and no one behind, as they work to fulfill their election promises.

Speaking to this publication, Gutu South MP, Pupurai Togarepi, emphasized that the development and projects taking place are in sync with the President's vision.

"In line with President Mnangagwa's mantra of leaving no one and no place behind, we are doing developmental projects to uplift people's lives. Women are doing projects such as horticulture; poultry, rabbit and goat rearing for them to be self-sufficient," Togarepi said.

Similarly, Murehwa West legislator Farai Jere outlined his plans to bring essential services to his constituency.

"As the MP for Murehwa West, there are various developmental initiatives that I promised the people, like the electrification of 'KwaMwanza' area and the installation of running water in their households. We have already installed running water at Musami growth point and we are expanding the implementation to nearby areas," Jere said.

In a concerted effort, ZANU PF legislators are collaborating with party-led councils to ensure development reaches all corners of the country through devolution funds. These initiatives include drilling boreholes, constructing roads, building health facilities, and enhancing educational infrastructure.

Mutasa Central MP Innocent Benza highlighted the tangible benefits these projects are bringing to the community. "The substantial benefits the development is bringing to the community include improved water access and enhanced agricultural productivity," Benza noted.

This widespread development effort underscores the ruling Party's commitment to improving the living standards across all provinces, ensuring that development is both inclusive and far-reaching.