Analysts applaud Gvt’s drought flash appeal initiative

Staff Reporter

Government, through the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works, has signed a Drought Flash Appeal with the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator aimed at mobilizing US$429.3 million to mitigate the ongoing El Nino-induced drought.

This strategic move has garnered widespread acclaim from analysts and prominent figures who see it as a critical step in addressing the severe drought conditions threatening the nation.

In an interview with this publication, Chief Lands Officer in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Fortune Chimbishi said, “The signing of this appeal is a significant milestone in our drought mitigation efforts. It reflects the Government's proactive approach to disaster management and its resolve to ensure food security for all citizens.

Chimbishi went further to comment on the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector saying that it plays a pivotal role in the response strategy as it aims to establish and strengthen early-warning, surveillance, and monitoring systems to track the impacts of drought on access to safe drinking water.

“Government's comprehensive approach to this crisis, particularly through the WASH sector’s initiatives, will significantly improve the resilience of our communities.

Access to safe drinking water is fundamental, and these measures will ensure that our health and education systems remain robust even in the face of severe drought,” Chimbishi added

Another agriculture economist who is also a renowned farmer, Elliot Mangezi based in Mashonaland West, praised the initiative, noting, “This appeal is crucial in, not only addressing immediate needs, but also laying the groundwork for long-term resilience.

It is imperative that we align our efforts with the Drought Risk Management Strategy 2017-2025 to protect lives and livelihoods effectively,” Mangezi added

Following President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s declaration of the 2023/24 drought as a State of Disaster, he assured the nation that no Zimbabwean would succumb to starvation. The President emphasized the Second Republic’s commitment to securing resources both domestically and internationally to mitigate the drought's impact. The signing of the Drought Flash Appeal is viewed as a tangible demonstration of this commitment.

Meanwhile, the Food Security and Livelihoods sectoral response strategy will be aligned with this management strategy, with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development working closely together. This collaboration aims to resource the agricultural sector through a combination of crop production and livestock protection strategies.