Staff Reporter
Following the closure of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Steward bank account due to lack of transparency in their financial dealings, CCC has decided to reopen another account under an independent Bank Trust.
According to a highly placed source within the opposition camp, the CCC leadership intends to reopen the Steward bank account using a separate trustee not linked to that party. This follows fallout with the previous Bank Trustee due to that party’s lack of transparency in their financial dealings.
The same source added that the fallout between the CCC leadership and the previous Bank Trustee led the latter to withdrawing from the arrangement resulting in the bank account being closed. Source further revealed that the Bank Trustee indicated his unwillingness to be sucked up in fraudulent dealings that would get him on the wrong side of the law.
“CCC’s previous Bank Trustee withdrew from handling the party’s operations due to the lack of transparency by the CCC leadership. The Bank Trustee lost favour with the CCC leadership because he demanded accountability for monies withdrawn. This led to a conflict between the Bank Trustee and the CCC leadership leaving the Bank Trustee with no choice but to withdraw.
The closure of the bank account left CCC with serious financial problems desperate for another Bank Trustee who could assist to reopen another party account,” said the source.
Furthermore, the same source revealed that CCC leadership had been using the same Bank account to receive funding from foreign sources in direct violation of the Political Parties Finance Act, which prohibits foreign funding for local political parties. According to the Act, any political party that is funded or capacitated by any foreign government to contest elections or grab political power would be committing treason.