Chamisa to use Madam Boss, Mai Titi for new campaign slogan

Staff Reporter

The distressed Nelson Chamisa’s MDC-Alliance allegedly wants to use social media celebrities Tyra Chikocho aka Madam Boss and Felistus Edwards popularly known as Mai Titi to launch their “Chamisa for youth, Chamisa for women and Chamisa for all” slogan with a view to lure the youth to vote for him during the 2023 elections.

The plot by the MDC-Alliance to use the social media influencers to gain political points, has been criticised by many who argued that the move will tarnish the pair’s career in the comedy industry if they agree to campaign for the opposition party.

Those in the entertainment industry and some political observers also feel that Madam Boss and Mai Titi could ruin their respective brands by reflecting allegiance and openly campaigning for the opposition MDC-Alliance.

” I strongly feel the two ladies should not fall into the MDC-Alliance trap of introducing them to the world of politics. Politics is a dirty game we all know that. They will be used and dumped in the middle of nowhere, so its wise for the ladies to concentrate on their social comedy rather than joining politics,” said one Tinotenda Chigaro from the entertainment industry.

“I used to like Madam Boss and Mai Titi for their good performances, and believe it’s to their advantage to stick to the comedy industry rather than being recruited by the MDC-Alliance to join politics. They should not allow themselves to be used as campaigning tools for the opposition or else it will be the end of their careers which they built after a long struggle,” said Christine Muradzikwa a comedy fan.

“The gimmicks and gymnastics we are seeing are meant to neutralize the perceived Zanu-PF influence on social media. I can see Comic pastor and Gonyeti are openly campaigning for the opposition. Sadly the two ladies are about to be recruited, that will definitely ruin their brands. I sincerely urge them to distance themselves from MDC-Alliance,” said one political analyst.

Comedians Prosper Ngomashi, widely known as comic pastor and Samantha Kureya of the “Bus Stop TV” popularly known as Gonyeti are also working for the opposition, creating comic skits on social media campaigning and mobilising for the opposition party and openly decampaigning Zanu-PF and Government.

Some social media users say that the MDC-Alliance wants to copy from Zanu-PF which they claim recently used the popular musician Koffi Olomide to drum up support for President Emmerson Mnangagwa.