President Mnangagwa to address UNGA tomorrow

By Dorcas Rumano

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is set to address the 74th Ordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting in New York tomorrow, Harare Post can reveal.

The theme for this years' general debate is, ‘Galvanising multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action and inclusion.’

The theme dovetails with President Mnangagwa’s quest of eradicating poverty in the country by making Zimbabwe an upper middle class economy by 2030.

President Mnangagwa's speech is expected to highlight on the issue of removal of sanctions which were imposed on the country by the United States of America (US) and EU among other issues.

The call for anti-sanctions was also made at the 10th meeting of Secretaries General of former liberation movements of Southern Africa which was held in Victoria Falls early this month.

In support if the removal of sanctions, members of the December 12 movement recently staged an anti-sanctions demonstration in New York in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe.

Today, President Mnangagwa is expected to attend the official opening of the summit by UN Secretary General, Mr Antonio Guterres before holding bilateral discussions with United Kingdom Minister of State for Africa, Mr Andrew Stephenson.

The President has also lined up a meeting with Mr Guterres, during which he will raise the issue of the illegal embargo imposed on Zimbabwe by the United States and European Union (EU).

On the sidelines of UNGA, President Mnangagwa will hold crucial bilateral meetings with representatives of other countries, international bodies, multilateral agencies and business including global media gurus.

The 39th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Committee (SADC) which was held in August this year also raised a voice against the embargo. In addition SADC declared October 25 as a solidarity day against illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe.