Harare City Council exposes its rot

By Rungano Dzikira

In a dramatic twist exposing the MDC-led Harare City Council’s (HCC) rot, the council has blamed government (which for years has been cushioning the council’s expenditures) for failing to pay its water dues and ultimately leading to the closure of Harare’s main water treatment plant, Morton Jaffray.

In a statement intended to calm livid residents, HCC blamed government for failing to pay up its dues, dwindling water levels due to drought, and lack of foreign currency to procure the much needed chemicals as the main reasons for Morton Jaffray’s closure.

However, council’s conduct has managed to naively draw criticism from Harare residence over its hypocrisy and poor management given its track record on payment of exorbitant salaries and unwavering sponsorship towards the overfunded and dismally performing football team, Harare City.

Irate citizens blasted HCC over these issues arguing that the council’s salary bill consumes at least 70% of its budget.

Mari yema chemicals ingasara papi when mari yese ye council ichiperera kuma salaries. I have it on good record that more than 70% is used up on top executive salaries. We all know that council workers get at least thrice the salaries of most civil servants,” said Martha Chikutu, a Harare resident.

“How does the council account for areas like Hatfield which have gone for years without water, is it still government’s fault or your poor management and their disorganization,” said Tafadzwa Chigumba, a resident from Hatfield.

“Such conduct from the council exposes residents to water-borne diseases like cholera,” he added.

Asked for comment, HCC spokesperson, Michael Chideme choose to profess ignorance towards the accused mismanagement of funds but instead chose to comment that council and its stakeholders were trying to map a way forward to alleviate this water problem at hand.