MDC rural demonstrations- final flop

By Christopher Makaza

Following the flopping of urban demonstrations countrywide, MDC has resolved to go rural, taking the demonstrations to districts and Growth Points dotted across the countries where they are also likely to flop given the constituency which has remained largely ZANU PF.

The much hyped demonstrations are going to be poorly subscribed as businesspersons from the rural areas fear that their business properties will be destroyed by the MDC hooligans. A genuine cause for concern, given the party history of violent demonstrations.

Business groups, especially in Bulawayo, have appealed to the High Court not to allow the demonstrations to proceed as a number of them lost their properties between 14 and 16 January this year when similar protests were held.

MDC members from the rural areas are also reluctant to take part fearing arrests and being left to face prosecution on their own.

The opposition party intends to hold what they call anti-Government demonstrations at growth points and smaller towns in Mashonaland East, Manicaland and Mashonaland West.

According to reports making rounds, the MDC leadership instructed District Chairpersons to mobilise resources for the intended demonstrations as the party was financially crippled.

“Currently party members have no appetite to participate in the planned demonstrations because they are not happy with what happened during the previous demonstrations where people were beaten and arrested. As usual the MDC leadership did not assist victims with medication or even food.

“The leadership instructed District Chairpersons and other well-wishers to mobilise resources in form of food, cash and transport to ferry demonstrators. Party members feel they cannot be seen going into their own pocket, sponsoring the party, sacrificing the little that they have,” an MDC official is quoted to have said in Manicaland.

Meanwhile other political parties continue to castigate the MDC demonstrations which they believe will not solve the current economic crisis bedevilling the country.

Labour, Economists and African Democrats (LEAD) leader Linda Masarira castigated the clueless MDC for their relentless efforts to make this country ungovernable through unleashing violent demonstrations arguing that the so-called demonstrations are a means to an end.

Posting on her twitter handle, Masarira said the MDC was taking advantage of vulnerable people, manipulating their poverty.

“Protests are a reaction to an unbearable situation and not a strategy. We need a lasting solution to the crisis bedevilling our country. It’s unfortunate that some political parties in Zimbabwe continue to use the masses vulnerability for political expediency,” she said.

The opposition party continues to organise more demonstrations despite Government putting a prohibition order to the recent MDC intended demonstrations in terms of Section 26 (9) of the Public Order and Security Act (POSA), Chapter 11:17.

The Police has warned that anyone who participates in the demonstrations will do so in contravention of Section 26 (11) of the POSA and the law will take its course.

Masarira’s tweet comes amid the MDC rural demonstrations as a new strategy to decentralise their violent protests to the rural areas.

Reports within the opposition party circles are that they are currently selecting coordinators in the various districts to coordinate and mobilise the party’s supporters in preparation for the intended demonstrations slated for the 29th and 30th of this month.

Zimbabweans ignored the opposition party’s calls for demonstrations in Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Masvingo and Mutare which had been scheduled for last week.

Recently in Harare, the police seized catapults and granite stones that the MDC Alliance wanted to use in their orgy of violence. Other opposition parties have distanced themselves from the protests. 

In January, the country was plunged into chaos during violent protests that saw some people losing their lives and public infrastructure being destroyed costing the country millions of dollars.