Divisions threaten the MDC elective congress

Claver Nyuki

The split prone MDC is set to have an eventful elective congress starting today in Gweru amid reports that warring factions in Bulawayo and Masvingo provinces have each sent double sets of delegations following controversial provincial congresses.

The Harare Post has learnt that parallel structures have been formed in Bulawayo and Masvingo which are led by Gift Banda, former Bulawayo Chairperson and Tongai Matutu, a losing candidate for Masvingo chairmanship.

Banda and Matutu accuse the party leadership of ignoring their concerns that the provincial congresses had a lot of anomalies with people being handpicked for positions, side-lining those who have the grassroots support.

The source revealed that the two factions have resolved to send parallel structures to the congress and vowed to cause chaos during proceedings, claiming that they have the people’s support.

The source also mentioned that a meeting was held in Bulawayo on Saturday where Nketa legislator, Pelela Masuku accused the party’s Organising Secretary, Amos Chabaya for intentionally delaying to nullify the Bulawayo Provincial Congress meeting in an attempt to side-line members from the Banda faction from attending the elective congress.

In that meeting, Masuku revealed that they had sent a delegation comprising of Bulawayo East legislator, Ilos Nyoni, National Assembly member for Enthumbani-Emakhandeni Dingilizwe Tshuma and Proportional Representation member Jesman Tofa to present their grievances but were snubbed by Chibaya.

In Masvingo, the source said that Matutu was bitter that Chamisa accepted the Masvingo Youth and Women’s Assemblies despite the fact that they were handpicked by the Provincial Chairperson, James Gumbi.

The source went on to reveal that the party leadership is well aware that clashes may occur during the congress. As such, Provincial Security Intelligence Officer (PSIO) Tichaona Munyuki convened a meeting last week where he told his security team to physically assault suspects and those who ‘misbehave’ during the congress.

Munyuki directed that in the case that they are reported to the Police, they must resist arrest at all cost. The source said that another team of 60 security officers were deployed to man the party’s headquarters at Morgan Richard Tsvangirai (MRT) House after getting wind that MDC-T leader, Dr Thokozani Khupe might attempt to take over the building while Chamisa and his team are in Gweru for the congress.

The Harare Post also learnt that the elective congress is being held amid financial challenges, with reports that foreign donors who had pledged financial assistance pulled out after the High Court ruling delegitimised Chamisa’s leadership of the opposition party.

The congress is now being held within two days with members footing their own costs. They are also being forced to pay affiliation fees ranging from $6 to $100 depending on one’s position in the party. 

Aspiring Vice Presidents of the party, Tendai Biti and Lilian Temvious, according to the source, pledged US$5000-00 each towards the congress, a move that can only be construed as vote buying.