All is set for Zanu-PF National Executive Council

By Bernard Mutambudzi

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is set to address the Zanu-PF National Executive Council (NEC) meeting this coming Thursday on the 11th of April 2019, Harare Post can report.

Speaking to Harare Post, ZANU-PF Deputy Youth Secretary, Lewis Mathuthu said before the NEC meeting, on 11 April 2019 the National Youth members are going to meet to discuss among other things, review youth programmes which would eventually set the agenda for the NEC meeting.

“The National Youth Council will deliberate work plan from provincial structures, looking back on what the provinces have done, what they intend to do, if there are any gaps what sort of assistance the youths would need to have,” said Mathuthu.

He also said NEC is important as youths will have a chance to have a one on one meeting with the President who can then be able to give answers and solutions which will be affecting the youths on their quest to develop themselves.

“The meeting with the President enables youths to articulate issues as they are happening in different provinces and then be able to have them responded to from the leadership.

“Youths as the lower organ of the party should seek guidance from the President, who is the First Secretary of the Revolutionary Party, ZANU-PF. Youths should be pro-active and be complemented by Government programmes which already exist around the country,” said Mathuthu.

Mathuthu highlighted that eight provinces are set to attend as currently there is Zanu-PF restructuring exercise in Harare and Bulawayo.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has since indicated that his administration will prioritize economic resuscitation to create employment and empowerment opportunities for the youths.