MDC Alliance’s puppet role exposed

Zivanai Dhewa

United States of America Deputy Spokesperson, Robert Pailadino yesterday exposed the puppet and string master relationship that exists between the USA and the MDC Alliance after it released a press statement identical to the demands proffered by the MDC Alliance as conditions for them to participate in the national dialogue.

“The dialogue process must be credible, inclusive and mediated by a neutral third party,” read part of the statement.

Expressed disappointment at the massive hand handling of MDC Alliance by the USA, Pablo Chimusoro said, “I have heard these words from someone here in Zimbabwe.  The person was saying that those were his preconditions for national dialogue.  Then today the USA repeated those words, but what’s going on here.”

Social media was ablaze with Zimbabwean citizens rebuking the degree of interference by the USA in the internal affairs of Zimbabwe.

“This memo was written in Harvest House for the Americans,” said Mandizvidza Shumba

Another netizen only identified as Tari Chasura corrected saying, “It’s the other way around baba.”

“The master is amplifying their puppet’s wishes,” Jones Musara added.

Dismissing assertions by certain opposition elements that MDC Alliance is seeking political power and regime change in the same way ZANLA and ZIPRA did before Zimbabwe got its independence, Chimusoro responded,“ The latter you mentioned were driven by a local agenda.  The former you mentioned are being driven by an external hand.  How do we know what the interests of their handlers are?”

“Look at the USA request on reforms before the elections which mirrored Chamisa’s request then now they are just mirroring convenor,” said one Melody Chakatsva.

“The United States calls on all sides to come together immediately in national dialogue,” demanded the press statement.

“As a Zimbabwean, what worries me is the use of the word ‘immediately’ and that sounds like a big brother telling his little brothers to stop something. Zimbabwe is a sovereign state and other nations should advise rather than command us,” said Valentine Miller

Miller added that, “They must stay within their lane; it’s the second time they want to direct how judiciary should function in Zimbabwe.”

In conclusion the USA press statement said “we also reiterate our call for the government of Zimbabwe to enact promised political and economic reforms.”

Rebuking their command attitude, Alois Mooty commented on his Twitter page that, “…And they are saying this to whom?  Political reforms promised to whom? We have dialogue with other progressive Zimbabweans not the puppet project. We can’t be in negotiations with the likes of David Coltart, Rhodies who maimed and killed our fellow brothers and sisters and now want to act as messiahs.”

Meanwhile, Nelson Chamisa and his MDC Alliance party continue to dance to the tune of their master as they continue to bring more suffering to the masses by calling for further sanctions which have been rebuked by SADC, AU and other international bodies for its crippling effects on the process to rebuild the Zimbabwean economy.