Netizens lambast Chamisa for snubbing dialogue

Christopher Makaza.

Citizens from across the country have criticised MDC leader,  Nelson Chamisa for snubbing yesterday`s national Dialogue organised by President Emmerson Mnangagwa saying that the opposition leader lacks political maturity and has no people of Zimbabwe at heart.

Goromonzi West Legislator and Deputy Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting, Cde Energy Mutodi on his Twitter page posted, “Dialogue on cards, it’s now clear who is for dialogue and who benefits from chaos and fighting. By calling for national dialogue, President Mnangagwa has shown political maturity and true statesmanship and by snubbing dialogue, Nelson Chamisa has left no doubt that he is a political misfit.”

MDC-T Spokesperson, Linda Masarira responded, “The National Dialogue is the first right step towards reuniting political forces in Zimbabwe. It takes a committed, humble and patriotic leadership to swallow its pride and to put this beautiful country and its people first. Zimbabwe is bigger than individuals and political parties.”

MDC-T on its official twitter page posted, “Well done team Zimbabwe for taking the baby steps to rebuild Zimbabwe in our diversity. When we put our political jackets aside and converge on ideas which bring forth lasting solutions to resolve the crisis in Zimbabwe, we will indeed save Zimbabwe from doom.

Commending President Mnangagwa for organising the national dialogue, cybertroll Tafadzwa Mugwadi posted, “President Mnangagwa must be commended for convening the dialogue of all political parties in Zimbabwe to depolarize society and focus on Economic Recovery. True Zimbabwe leaders should always meet and share ideas and concerns with President Mnangagwa. Pagans and puppets may as well boycott. They are not Zimbabweans.”

Former ZBC broadcaster, Ezra Sibanda tweeted, “Well done all the political leaders who attended a dialogue meeting with President Mnangagwa. We need to rise above party politics and put our country first. We need to engage and find one another so as to help rebuild and reconstruct our shattered Zimbabwe. Anger and hate won`t take us anywhere.”

Commenting on the issue of Dialogue, MDC Secretary General, Douglas Mwonzora posted, “Political protagonists have to be brought together to dialogue genuinely and inclusively. We must jettison the politics of hate, intolerance and polarisation and embrace the politics of rational disputation and genuine dialogue. We owe this duty our future generations.”

Mwonzora`s sentiments clearly defines divisions in the MDC over the dialogue issue where some elements including their leader Chamisa are against the national dialogue.