Britain continues to seek domination of Zimbabwe

Derick Tsimba

Britain and its allies continue with their attempt to dominate Zimbabwe through maintaining sanctions so as to derail any economic progress, a move that is anchored on regime change agenda.

Working towards their interests, the British bankrolls quite a number of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), political parties and individuals in the country which are being used to influence citizens to go against their Government.

Writing on her twitter handle, Linda Masarira today said a law must be put in place to arrest those who would be working with foreigners to derail national progress, and also those involved in corruption.

“We need a law that provides heavy punishment for those who collaborate with foreign forces to seek domination of our country by foreign powers, strengthen corruption laws to provide penalty for associating with acts of corruption,” she said.

Haru Mutasa, an Aljeezera Correspondent has also raised concern Africans in post-independence who are in support of Western interests.

“Disturbingly too many Africans, I suspect in post independence do not know any better, they believe white colonial rule in Africa was better, where blacks could not even walk in some parts of their own country,” she said.