Citizens scoff at Prof Moyo coup claims

by Zivanai Dhewa

Self-exiled Professor Jonathan Moyo has been lambasted by the citizens for suggesting that a coup is underway to unseat a constitutionally elected President Emmerson Mnangagwa from office.

In a statement, Prof Moyo said, “When an insider with vested political and nepotistic interests in the incumbent declares that a coup plot has failed when key others are mum, take it with bags of salt. It's not over until it's over. Recall my "Zete Moment" the night of 13 Nov 2017 when I knew a coup was under way!”

On his twitter post, one netizen @edmypresident responded to Prof Moyo that “the difference is that then you were fools and now we are not in your category.  Watch this space, you have a very long stretch of time being hurt…isu tichingotongaaaaaa.”

Another netizen only identified as @chigwagwagwa, retorted by saying, “Jonso paya you had no clue what was happening, tiripa Bulawayo Holiday Inn immediately after the final Youth Interface, and you remember that meeting by the hotel poolside? Saka chirega kunyepa pano.”

Other netzens felt that Prof Moyo cannot continue to dominate Zimbabwe media space with fake news while creating biased political agendas.

Mr@bob_Nyasha responded to Prof Moyo’s tweet saying, “Prof Moyo is not one of us, he is in self-imposed exile enjoying the money he stole from us during his days in the failed previous government, making him one of us now is malicious.  This man does not have our best interest at heart, he would like to see Zimbabwe burn.”

Meanwhile President Mnangagwa has cut his five nation visit short in light of the economic situation after a highly productive week of bilateral trade and investment meetings.  Professor Mthuli Ncube will be representing Zimbabwe at the World Economic Forum in Davos.