Rogue youths attacked schools, churches

 by Dephine Zulu

Whilst the ordinary Zimbabweans had been hoodwinked to believe that the 'stay away' was a response to the recent fuel increase, situation on the ground suggests otherwise.

As a struggling-ordinary working class Zimbabwean, it was also my hope to stay away as a way to send a message to Government that the cost of living was beyond the reach of many and they needed to act. However, occurrences in my neighbourhood (Glen-Norah) proved me wrong. Whilst I thought everyone was fighting for better living and working conditions, I was disheartened to realise that for many, it was far from it, rather it was just a political stunt.

As I strolled to the nearest beerhall by Glen-Norah B shops, I witnessed rogue youths approaching, singing jubilantly and encouraging people to tag along. Instantly, energetically and excitedly I joined the group, little did I realise that a minute later, I would regret this move.

 A certain mukoma, whom I later established to be a member of the MDC Harare South chapter from Hopley then addressed us, chanted the MDC slogan before then telling us that we hadn’t made much impact since morning, as such need to up the game, probably by targeting vulnerable groups such as school children.

 “We were briefed that in the event that people had failed to heed to the stay away, we were to move on primary schools and churches to ensure that our stay away message had been heard.

“Generally everyone has a soft spot for children, so once parents were aware that the safety of their children was no longer guaranteed, they were bound to take it to the streets as well,” he said.

Slowly I retreated from the group, and started following sluggishly from behind as the gang of rowdy MDC youths, together with notorious touts from Mushayabande commuter omnibus rank started going around harassing teachers who had reported for duty and literally chasing students from classes and closing down schools (Primary and Secondary) in the area.

This went on to other surrounding schools such as Ruvheneko Government Primary School, Kudakwashe Primary, Infill Primary, Shiriyedenga Primary, Chembira Primary, which I later learnt to have sadly reported a number of missing grade zero and one students. 

Secondary schools which were also caught in the crossfire included St Peters Kubatana High, Glen Norah High 1and 2, among others. As other youths stormed into Zion Christian Church (ZCC) near Mushayabande, I noticed security forces moving in who are said to have been deployed by Mbudzi round about…instantly I retreated to safety.

 Till now I wish the stay away had been as innocent as what it was intended to be, maybe the desired message and outcome could have been achieved and not having 684 arrested for shameful looting and violent behaviour. It’s sad how political parties dupe their way through, and use you for their political mileage, all in a bid to force a treacherous and meticulous plan to rise to fame.