Disgruntled over forced school closure

As a  concerned parent, I am very disgruntled about the absence of teachers at school especially during this crucial moment of opening of schools. I was called today by my daughter saying that she had gone back home because the teachers had not reported for duty, for the fifth day now. It was just a few minutes after I had dropped her.

I think the trade unions need to be abolished. The teachers, I am told are willing to go to work but fear victimisation from the thugs that caused violence this week.

Teachers are now afraid to resume their work despite Government directive for them to go back to work as they are assured of their security. This followed the victimisation of some teachers in schools and the violence which saw the death of eight civilians including one police officer.

As I write this letter, two minors ran away from Chitungwiza where they reside and are in hiding at their relative who stays in Hatfield. The minors were threatened to be killed because they were seen going to school at a time the thugs were dispersing teachers and school children from their learning premises.

I feel the security should look for these thugs across the country and deal with them accordingly. We paid school fees in full and we do not expect our children to miss their lessons. We are a peaceful country and we do not know where we got these fierce people. We do not need them. If caught, they must be severely punished even if it means giving them a life time in jail so that they will never mingle with the innocent members of our communities.