A Blow to the Chamisa Dynasty … as the name Chamisa is rejected outright

According to Monica Madondo, the defeat not only marks a political setback for Chamisa but also highlights the rejection of nepotism by the people of Zimbabwe.

“The election results revealed a clear message from the voters. It’s  an expression of their refusal to support political dynasties and emphasizing the importance of meritocracy in the country's leadership. 

“Chamisa has been accused of working toward the creation of a Chamisa dynasty, by roping his siblings into politics through that party’s undemocratic and highly contested Candidate Selection Process.  The 2023 Harmonised General Elections showcased the citizens' growing discontent towards political dynasties and nepotism, as both Chamisa's young brothers Starman and Fungai Chamisa lost in their respective electoral battles in Mbare and Chiredzi respectively,” said Madondo.

Furthermore, Madondo stated that the most significant blow to the Chamisas was witnessed in Gutu, his ancestral home. Nelson Chamisa’s party lost in Gutu Central, West, East, North, and South, indicating a loss of confidence and support even within his own community. This defeat exposes Chamisa’s weakening grip and raises questions about his ability to connect with the grassroots.

“The people's clear message in the 2023 elections manifests a desire for leaders chosen based on their abilities, experience, and commitment to serve the nation rather than relying solely on familial connections. This is what President Mnangagwa has been doing since he was inaugurated in 2018. He has been fulfilling his promises and it comes not as a surprise that people are voting overwhelmingly for him.

“Starman Chamisa’s loss in Mbare to ZANU-PF, not only reinforces the diminishing faith in Chamisa and his CCC party but also underscores the growing support for the ruling party in areas that were once CCC strongholds. Additionally, Fungai Chamisa's dismal loss in Chiredzi depicts a lack of voter confidence in him as a potential representative,” Madondo said.

Moreover, the thunderous defeat of Chamisa and CCC across various provinces sends a strong message about the changing political landscape in Zimbabwe. It demonstrates a shift in public sentiment, where people demand deliverables over lip service. This election outcome highlights the importance of meritocracy, transparency, and genuine dedication to public service as qualities expected of political leaders.

 Chamisa’s losses in his own hometown and the defeat of his siblings, is an indication that the electorate has voiced their objection to nepotism. This rejection illustrates the changing dynamics in Zimbabwean politics, with an emphasis on meritocracy and a desire for leaders with a genuine commitment to public service.  The victory attained by ZANU PF and President Mnangagwa gives them the power to forge ahead to a more inclusive and transparent future.