Kasukuwere mulls return to ZANU-PF amidst speculations

Sources claim that Kasukuwere might employ the state-owned media, especially ZBC, to announce his revised political trajectory in the imminent future.

Previously, speculation was rife regarding Kasukuwere's political ambitions. Many opposition-led newspapers had forecast his potential bid for the presidency in the 2028 elections.

However, a well-placed insider recently divulged a different narrative. The insider stated, “Contrary to what’s been said, Kasukuwere's ambition to be in the presidential race might not materialize. There has been a noticeable shift in the G40’s strategy regarding this."

Elaborating on the rumoured strategy, the source revealed, “Kasukuwere has entrusted his publicity team to convene a significant media event. They are pulling in journalists from a variety of media outfits, and the primary goal is to re-establish his stature in the political arena.”

The source added that Kasukuwere has an elaborate plan in place, involving considerable media coverage, and through this, Kasukuwere's potential re-affiliation with ZANU-PF will be broadcast.

The insider further underscored the G40’s strategy to partner with ZBC, aiming to foster narratives that frame Kasukuwere’s decision as astute and timely.

“There is a concerted effort to depict this shift as a positive, strategic move, especially considering the current political winds in Zimbabwe,” added the source.

Gossip also hints at the G40's outreach to figures like Trevor Ncube, aiming to elucidate their decisions to the public. The overarching sentiment is that the G40 is ardently aiming to regain its prominence within ZANU-PF's foundational structures.

On the other side, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), formerly closely aligned with Kasukuwere, has depicted the G40’s recent stratagems as desperate and lacking foresight.

Edith Mushore, a seasoned political analyst, commented, “The unfolding scenarios highlight the extremes political figures might traverse, often driven more by personal aspirations than communal welfare.”

Meanwhile, Kasukuwere's political trajectory has been under scrutiny, especially following his notable absence from the August 2023 General Harmonized Elections.