Mnangagwa warns against indiscipline, calls for integrity within ZANU PF

Staff Reporter

President Mnangagwa has issued a stern warning to ZANU PF members, urging them to adhere strictly to Party discipline and reject corruption, favoritism, and tribalism, which threaten to undermine the Party’s mission.

Delivering his closing address at the 21st National People’s Conference in Bulawayo yesterday, the President stressed that loyalty, integrity, and unity are crucial for the continued success of ZANU PF and the achievement of Zimbabwe’s Vision 2030.
“The importance of unified leadership and respect of the Party Constitution cannot be overemphasized,” President Mnangagwa stated.
He warned members against counter-revolutionary tendencies, including corruption and ill-gotten privileges, which he said would not be tolerated within ZANU PF.
“Those that perpetrate acts of indiscipline, some of which now extend to acts of criminality, are warned,” he said firmly.
Addressing the importance of maintaining unity and the orderly operation of the party structures, President Mnangagwa emphasized, “Matare eMusangano akajeka. Hakuna mazvake mazvake,” (The Party’s structures are clear, and there is no room for selfish interests), reminding members that the collective interests of ZANU PF come before individual ambitions.
He called for an introspection among Party members, urging them to ask themselves, “Pauri ipapo, zvibvunze kuti uri munhu akavimbika kuMusangano here” (Where you are, ask yourself if you are loyal to the Party).
The President emphasized that unity and discipline must be upheld from the grassroots level to the national leadership. He encouraged members to respect their peers and leaders, adding that a good leader must also be a good follower.
"Mindsets, counter-revolutionary tendencies, favoritism, regionalism, and tribalism must be opposed," he said, reiterating that such divisive behaviors would only harm the Party and its mission.
President Mnangagwa stressed, “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi balo,” calling on members to take ownership of their role in building the nation.
He reminded them that the Party’s revolutionary values, instilled by its founding fathers, remain unshakable.
As the conference concluded, President Mnangagwa urged Party leaders and members to go back to their communities with renewed commitment to unity, integrity, and hard work.
He stressed that only through collective effort and discipline can ZANU PF continue to lead Zimbabwe toward the realization of Vision 2030, ensuring prosperity and growth for all its citizens.