Zanu PF Legislators in Mudzi Combat Drug and Substance Abuse through Sports Tournaments

Staff Reporter

Mudzi District’s Zanu PF legislators are taking proactive steps to combat the growing scourge of drug and substance abuse among the youth in their constituencies.

As part of their efforts, they have initiated sports tournaments aimed at providing a platform for young people to engage in healthy activities while being educated on the dangers of drug and substance abuse by health professionals.

Last Saturday, Mudzi North legislator Benjamin Musweweshiri organized a sports tournament at Kotwa High School, where dozens of youths gathered not only to participate in various sporting events but also to receive critical information about the harmful effects of drug and substance abuse.

 Speaking to this publication on the side-lines of the tournament, Musweweshiri, a self-described foot soldier of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, emphasized the importance of carrying forward the President’s message against drug and substance abuse within his constituency.

“As a representative of the people and a loyal foot soldier of President Mnangagwa, it is my duty to echo the President’s call for a drug-free society. Drug and substance abuse are tearing apart the fabric of our communities, especially among the youth, and it is our responsibility to intervene. I thank the President for his unwavering stance against this menace, and I am committed to bringing this message to every corner of my constituency,” said Musweweshiri.

Musweweshiri further elaborated on his commitment to the fight against drug and substance abuse, noting that his strategy includes regular community engagement, awareness campaigns, and providing alternative activities for the youth.

He praised the local community’s response to the initiative, highlighting that the sports tournaments not only draw large numbers of young people but also foster a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition.

Mudzi West legislator Knowledge Kaitano echoed these sentiments, underscoring the pervasive threat posed by drugs across the nation.

 “Drug abuse is a menace that is spreading across our country, affecting the lives and futures of our youth. As leaders, it is our duty to step up and combat this challenge head-on. We cannot sit back and watch as our young people’s lives are destroyed. That’s why I have been organizing sports tournaments in my constituency as part of a broader awareness campaign against drug and substance abuse. We had a very successful tournament in March this year, and the response from the youth has been overwhelmingly positive,” said Kaitano.

Kaitano further highlighted the severe impact of drug abuse on young people, noting that it not only affects their health but also disrupts their education, family lives, and prospects for the future.

Youths who participated in the Kotwa High School tournament expressed their gratitude to the legislators for their efforts.

“It’s really great to see our leaders taking an active role in fighting drug abuse. These tournaments give us something positive to look forward to and keep us away from bad influences,” said Tonderai Muchenje.

 Another participant, Melody Chinyama, added, “The information we are getting from these events is life-changing. It’s not just about sports; it’s about our future, and I am grateful to our MP Musweweshiri for caring about us.”

A health practitioner, who declined to be named because she was not authorized to speak to the media, also commended the efforts of the MPs, stating, “The fight against drug and substance abuse is a collective effort, and it’s encouraging to see our legislators leading the way. Their commitment to educating the youth and providing them with alternative activities is commendable, and we hope to see more of such initiatives.”

Meanwhile, the youths who attended the drug and substance abuse awareness campaign at Kotwa High School also expressed their appreciation for the prizes that were awarded during the event, which included sports uniforms, balls, monetary rewards, and food.

Many attendees noted that the incentives provided additional motivation to participate in the tournaments and engage actively in the discussions about the dangers of drug and substance abuse.