VP Chiwenga to Preside Over the Burial of National Hero Brigadier General (Rtd) Ndabambi

Staff Reporter

Vice President, Cde Constantino Chiwenga, will preside over the burial of the late National Hero, Brigadier General (Rtd) Shadreck Dingaan Ndabambi, at the National Heroes Acre tomorrow.

Brigadier General Ndabambi, who passed away on 28 August 2024, will be honoured in a ceremony that reflects his significant contributions to the nation.

Vice President Chiwenga, who is currently serving as the Acting President, will be standing in for President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who is in China attending the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) meeting.

In a statement, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage informed that a military parade in honour of Brigadier General Ndabambi will take place today, at Charles Magama Barracks.

Today, the 3rd of September at 1400hrs, a military parade will be held for the late hero at the Charles Magama Barracks,” reads the statement.

The body of the late national hero will then be airlifted to his residence at Plot No. 7, Virginia Farm, Glendale, Mazowe District in Mashonaland Central Province, where it will lie in state ahead of the burial.

The Ministry further informed that gates at the National Heroes Acre will open at 0600hrs tomorrow, and all mourners are requested to be seated by 0700hrs to ensure a smooth and dignified ceremony.

Yesterday, Ndabambi family spokesperson, Solomon Musaka expressed profound gratitude on behalf of the Ndabambi family, stating, "We want to thank His Excellency, President Mnangagwa. This is really a huge honour. It’s a first in the family. May I also extend my thanks to ZANU PF as a party, the Politburo, Central Committee, and all structures of the Party."

Mourners are currently gathered at Plot 7, Virginia Farm, in Glendale, as they pay their respects to the late Brigadier General Ndabambi, whose legacy of service and dedication to Zimbabwe will be honoured at the national shrine.