Zanu PF Senator distributes food aid to Mount Darwin community

Staff Reporter

Mount Darwin Zanu PF Senator, James Makamba recently distributed mealie meal to 500 vulnerable members in response to the severe El Niño-induced drought affecting Zimbabwe.

This initiative was part of the Government's Drought Mitigation Strategy aimed at ensuring that no citizen suffers from hunger.

During the distribution exercise last Sunday, Senator Makamba, emphasized Government's commitment to the wellbeing of its people, stating, "President Emmerson Mnangagwa has tasked me to travel around the country, especially where I come from, to see how people are living and to ensure that everyone has enough food. This distribution is just a temporary relief as part of broader Government efforts."

Beneficiaries of the program expressed profound gratitude for the timely assistance.

One of the recipients, Tendai Marufu commented, "I am relieved to receive this mealie meal; it's crucial for my family, especially for preparing staple meals like porridge and sadza."

 Another local, Sibusiso Moyo shared, "We were completely out of food. What we received today is a major boost for my family's survival. I want to thank the Zanu PF Party and President Mnangagwa for remembering us."

Councilor Randazha welcomed Senator Makamba's initiative as a significant step forward.

"This donation will greatly assist the elderly, disabled, and other vulnerable groups as we continue to roll out comprehensive Government aid programs. The beneficiaries, drawn from areas including Nyanjenje, Nyakasikana, Kangaire, Nyamahobogo, and Makororo, all within Pfura Rural District Council, are testament to the Government's proactive stance in safeguarding its citizens against the current environmental challenges," he stated.

Meanwhile, Government has intensified food aid distribution across the country to combat the drought's impact.

President Mnangagwa has reiterated on many occasions his commitment, stating, "No one in Zimbabwe will die of hunger as long as we can help. Our efforts to cushion the most vulnerable from the harsh effects of this drought will not waver."