Zimbabwe enhances national framework for nuclear and radiation safety

Staff Reporter

Zimbabwe is making commendable progress in bolstering its national legal and regulatory framework concerning nuclear and radiation safety under the stewardship of the Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe (RPAZ).

At the Radiation Safety Conference in Harare today, Dr. Anna Mary Nyakabau, Chairperson of RPAZ, highlighted the nation's dedication to advancing radiation protection in line with the Radiation Protection Act Chapter 15:15 of 2004.

"Zimbabwe has achieved positive milestones in implementing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards, focusing on applications of nuclear science and technology such as isotope hydrology, soil chemistry, crop breeding, and improved genetics," Dr. Nyakabau stated.

Further emphasising this commitment, Dr. Nyakabau detailed the Authority’s significant strides in enhancing its national legal and regulatory infrastructure.

The protection of workers, the public, and the environment in areas where radiation is employed remains a priority, as highlighted by Dr. Nyakabau's comments on adhering to IAEA safety standards.

In line with Zimbabwe's engagement in international collaboration, Ms. Thandolwenkosi Gwebu, National Liaison Assistant for IAEA matters, lauded the country's achievements on the global stage.

"In 2023, Zimbabwe not only achieved its target of ratifying seven conventions related to nuclear safety and security but also emerged as the highest depositor of these instruments during the conference," Ms. Gwebu said.

Ms. Gwebu also pointed out the increasing opportunities for women in the nuclear sector, particularly with the recent inauguration of the Women in Nuclear (WIN) national chapter in Zimbabwe on November 14, 2023.

She highlighted the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme’s role in fostering gender inclusivity in the nuclear sector and supporting women’s contributions to global scientific and technological innovation.

Zimbabwe's commitment to enhancing radiation safety is further reinforced by its active participation in IAEA conferences, workshops, and expert missions, positioning itself as a proactive and responsible player in the global arena of nuclear safety and security.