VP Chiwenga mourns Lieutenant Colonel Israel Mandizvidza

Staff Reporter

Acting President, Constantino Chiwenga has sent a condolence message to the Mandizvidza family following the death of Lieutenant Colonel Israel Mandizvidza who died at West End Hospital on Wednesday 16 February 2022.

In his condolence message, the Acting President described the late Mandizvidza as a dedicated and patriotic cadre who has left a void, which will be difficult to fill.

“The Vice President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Honourable Dr Constantine Chiwenga , Minister of State in the Vice President`s office Honourable Major General S Khumalo, Permanent Secretary, Chief of Staff in my office, join the Mandizvidza family in mourning the untimely passing on of Lieutenant Colonel Israel Mandizvidza.

“Lieutenant Colonel Israel Mandizvidza was a dedicated, loyal and patriotic officer who served in my office with unparalled diligence as a Deputy Director. He was attested in the Zimbabwe National Army on 1 January 1995 as an Officer Cadet. He rose through the ranks to Lieutenant Colonel. Israel was a versatile officer with an agile mind and disposition. By and large he combined his rich military and academic background in the discharge of his duties,” reads part of the condolence message.

“On behalf of the Office and on my own behalf I wish to convey my heartfelt condolences to his spouse Lister, children, Tanatswa, Ronia and Tavonga Gideon, the Mandizvidza family and the Zimbabwe Defence Forces on this sad loss. May you be comforted by the knowledge that he is now resting in a better place,” says the Vice President.

The late Lieutenant Colonel Mandizvidza was a holder of a BSc Honours Degree in Geo Spatial Intelligence attained from the University of Zimbabwe, among other qualifications.