By Claver Nyuki

The MDC ever since the unfortunate departure of its founding leader, Morgan Tsvangirai has been left with a leadership vacuum that has led to a split and also different factions forming ahead of that party’s elective congress to be held next year.

By Prosperity Mzila

A disheartening sight it was, witnessing sick people walk in and out of pharmacies empty handed.  After having paid exorbitant amounts to have a doctor’s diagnosis and yet the prescribed remedy for the healing process proved out of reach for many.  Pharmacies in Zimbabwe had since a month ago introduced a three tier pricing system, with drugs selling in hard greenbacks or an equivalent according to the black market prevailing rates.  The whole process seemed unfair, wicked and self-enriching at the expense of the patient’s life.

By Rudo Saungweme

Luke 18 verse 11 to 12 says, “I thank you, God that I am not like other people-cheaters, sinners, adulterers. I’m certainly not like that tax collector! I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.” This was a bible story told by Jesus which talked about some who had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone else.

By Virimayi Chidembo

MDC is indeed a perennial electoral loser and this fact is now undisputed after a massive trouncing, the party received in the by-election held over the weekend for the vacant Mutoko North constituency.

By Gift Mashoko

The MDC has set a date for their demonstration for the 29th of November 2018 and we hear planning and mobilising of its supporters is currently underway. The purpose of the demo is said to be, to protest against the alleged “worsening” economic situation.

by Mapozho Saruchera

There were recent media reports to the effect that confusion ensued at Zimbabwe’s ports of entry, as luxury vehicle importers refused to pay excise duty in foreign currency in line with the new regulations announced by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Professor Mthuli Ncube in the 2019 National Budget Statement.

by Brian Johnson Mutonhori

Presenting the 2019 national budget last week under the theme, “Austerity for Prosperity,” Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Professor Mthuli Ncube announced a raft of measures which include payments of customs duty on motor vehicles and listed goods in foreign currency. This stance must be applauded as it goes a long way in curbing excessive outflows of scarce hard currency to non-productive sectors of the economy.

by Elijah Chihota

In a love affair between a man and a woman, they live each day seeing themselves   as   soul   mates   without   thinking   anything   sinister   would happen to  their till death do us part vow. The same scenario happens in politics where a person joins a political party of one’s choice without any intention of being chucked out. Like in a love affair, in politics usually there are fallouts for one reason or the other.