Last Mukwende

Sanctions, often portrayed as an instrument for political influence, seldom function in isolation. Their impacts reverberate, especially in interconnected regions like Southern Africa, where countries share close economic, political, and cultural ties. The sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe have not only crippled its economy but have inadvertently affected its neighbours, predominantly South Africa, which carries the brunt of the fallout.

By Prof. Jonathan Moyo

In 2018, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-A) did not have polling agents—hence no V11s—in at least 518 out of 10,985 polling stations; in 2023, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) did not have polling agents—meaning no V11s—in at least 2,500 out of 12,374 polling stations.

Innocent Mujeri

Recent elections in Zimbabwe have once again ignited debates surrounding the credibility and impartiality of election observers. Particularly in the spotlight is Nevers Mumba, Head of the Southern African Development Community Electoral Observation Mission (SEOM). Mumba's report has not only been criticized for bias, but also a key tool in the West’s new strategy of weaponising election observation to cause regime change in Zimbabwe. The weaponisation of observer missions undermines democracy by trivialising the will of the people and giving undue weight to trivial issues.

Grace Zvavamwe

When young people are marginalized or disengaged from political processes, it means a significant portion of the population has little to no voice or influence in the decision making processes that affect them.

Staff Reporter

Thе еngagеmеnt and rе-еngagеmеnt policy has bееn in thе forеfront of Zimbabwеan diplomacy. Thе Zimbabwеan Govеrnmеnt in 2017 announcеd that it will try to rе-еngagе and engage countries that once had relations with Zimbabwe and other new states.