By Rudo Saungweme

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) which was signed and endorsed by the Government of Zimbabwe is critical to the Zimbabwe`s reform agenda which includes, The Transitional Stabilisation (TSP) Programme, National Trade Policy (NTP) and National Industrial Policy (NIP) among others.

By Nobleman Runyanga

Early this week Zimbabweans woke up to some very disturbing news – the nepotism which is rife at Town House as some MDC members of the Harare City Council are using their positions as councillors to recruit their relatives.

By Tendai Mazwi

Sanctions have caused untold suffering to many Zimbabweans. Ordinary people are experiencing hardships as prices of good and services are sky rocketing almost daily and this is being attributed to these illegal sanctions by the United States of America (USA) as much as that country want to sugar-coat the truth by lying through their teeth that the illegal sanctions are targeted at certain individuals and businesses.

By Elliot Dambarara

The subject of the so called “targeted or smart sanctions” has been topical in the past decade or so. Bold questions must be asked and answered in the quest to address the conduct and manner in which sanctions are imposed. There have been dictatorial tendencies and unintelligible talk aiming at sugar-coating the actual evil behind the so called “smart” sanctions.

By Mapozho Saruchera

A few hours after His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa had finished delivering the State of the Nation Address (SONA), on 1 October 2019, opposition MDC leader, Nelson Chamisa, took to Twitter alleging that the President’s address  was a waste of resources and an unprovoked insult to Zimbabweans as it allegedly did not, does not address key issues facing the nation such as lack of electricity, water, fuel, non-availability of cash, poor wages, human rights abuses, terror, abductions, illegitimacy and reforms.

By Peacemaker Zano

The walkout by MDC parliamentarians during President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s State of the Nation Address (SONA), is unjustified as there are no concrete reasons that clearly explain such fruitless and retrogressive behavior, when the whole world recognizes the president as the legitimate leader of the nation.

By Christopher Makaza


… CSOs plans to create a new monster ahead of 2023 election 

The beleaguered Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Alliance`s expiry date is slowly drawing closer as its partners in crime, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Civic Society Organisations (CSOs), workers unions and some MDC family members have lost hope in the country`s oldest surviving opposition party.

By Chigumbu Warikandwa

Zimbabwe has been under American sanctions for the past 18 years. These illegal sanctions have meted untold suffering on ordinary civilians whose rights America ironically claim to be protecting. The biggest lie coming from Washington is that the punitive measures are targeted at a few individuals and businesses and the rest of the country has nothing to fear. This is far from it. The only true fact is that Government is the major protagonist which Capitol Hill intends to fight down and away. Regime change is the end being sought here.

By Claver Nyuki


… as that party legislators abandon its mandate in Parly


His Excellency, President Emmerson Mnangagwa today delivered his State of the Nation Address (SONA) and officially opened the Second Session of the Ninth Parliament in Harare.