By Patience Rashai

The Registrar-General’s (RG) Office has finalised the decentralisation of its birth registration facilities and national identity document centres in various parts of the country with Matebeleland provinces topping the priority list following an outcry over the large numbers of people without birth certificates within the region.

By Derick Tsimba

Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) has dismissed reports on tariff increases following messages circulating on social media today that ZETDC was going to increase electricity tariffs by 150%.

Christopher Makaza

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has today officially commissioned the National Backbone fibre link project in Beitbridge, emphasising that the project should spearhead digital transformation of rural areas and cities as the country moves towards introducing smart city technologies.

Bernard Mutambudzi

Government has entered an exclusive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Agriculture with South Africa which is expected to revolutionalise the sector for the two countries.