By Christopher  Makaza

MDC Veterans Activist Association (VAA) have accused MDC leader Nelson Chamisa for allegedly abusing 165 000 Pounds donated to the party by a British citizens based in South Africa. Harare Post has established.

By Derick Tsimba

Government has commenced food distribution of maize in Makonde District in a move that is set to benefit hundreds of families who are facing food shortages following the 2018 to 2019 poor rainfall season in Mashonaland West Province.

By Gift Mashoko

Minister of Information and Communications Technology and Cyber Security Kazembe Kazembe is in Geneva, Switzerland where he is attending the World Summit in the Information Society (WSIS), which is running under the theme “Information and Communication Technologies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”.

Christopher Makaza

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) is reportedly training its youth in weapon handling, martial arts and self-defence skills under the disguise of Harare City Council Municipal police training. Harare Post has learnt.

Rudo Saungweme                                      

In a bid to empower women and girls in the arts fraternity, Government through the Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation has today launched the National Festival for Women and Girls at Chinzanga Primary School, in Mutoko.

Zivanai Dhewa

The Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Permanent Secretary and the Accountant General have revealed that Government has made provisions within its budget to secure funds dedicated to acquisition of medication following increased demand of medication in recent months.