Govt promotes youth empowerment in agriculture

Staff Reporter

The Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development has several key initiatives which are aimed at boosting youth empowerment as well as addressing critical challenges in the sector.

Speaking at a virtual engagement meeting, with youth stakeholders in the agricultural sector, yesterday, the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Dr. Anxious Masuka reaffirmed Government’s dedication to youth empowerment.

“The Ministry of Agriculture has ongoing programs like the Presidential Poultry Scheme and the Fisheries Programme which are central to the effort of youth empowerment. These programs also provide both training and financial assistance to the youths.

“Our goal is to ensure that young people have access to the necessary resources and support,” said Dr. Masuka.

Minister Masuka also announced a collaborative effort between his Ministry and the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Development, and vocational training to establish youth business units across the nation.

“This initiative aims to create opportunities for young entrepreneurs and enhance vocational training in agriculture by setting up business units in schools, vocational training centres, and across various communities. We believe this will cultivate an environment that encourages innovation and practical skills among the youth,” he said.

Minister Masuka also tasked the ICT Department and Agricultural and Rural Development Advisory Services (ARDAS) to collaborate with the private sector in establishing a comprehensive database of agricultural graduates.

“We recognize the vital role of agricultural graduates in driving the agro-economy. This database will help us strategically deploy trained individuals in managing Youth Business Units and other related programs, enhancing their contribution to the nation’s economic development,” said Dr. Masuka.

Furthermore, Dr. Masuka commended development partners, including the UN system, for their support of Government programs. He directed the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to align its Green Jobs for Rural Youth Employment initiative with existing Government initiatives.

 “Collaboration with our development partners is essential for the success of these programs. The FAO’s Green Jobs initiative, for example, will now be closely integrated with our Youth Business Units to ensure a coordinated approach that maximizes impact,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Masuka reiterated the Ministry's commitment to supporting President Mnangagwa’s efforts to curb the societal challenge of drug and substance abuse in the country, by engaging youth in productive agricultural endeavours that provide alternatives to drug and substance abuse.