Govt cracks down on touts and illegal transport operators

Staff Reporter

Government has received widespread applause for its recent crackdown on touts and illegal transport operators, commonly known as "mshika-shika."

Alfred Mumba, the representative of the Zimbabwe National Commuter Omnibus Operators (ZNCOO) expressed strong support for the operation, highlighting the detrimental impact that illegal mshika-shika operators have had on the transport sector.

 "The presence of mshika-shika operators has severely affected our business. These illegal transporters operate without any regard for safety regulations, creating unfair competition and posing significant risks to passengers. We applaud the Government and the ZRP for taking decisive action to address this issue," Mumba stated.

Citizens have also welcomed the crackdown, noting the broader public safety benefits. Many residents have expressed relief, citing the involvement of some mshika-shika operators in various criminal activities, including hijackings and robberies.

"These illegal operators have been a menace for too long. It’s not just about the competition with legal operators; mshika-shika drivers often disregard traffic laws, endangering lives and contributing to a rise in crime. This operation is a much-needed step to make our streets safer," commented Harare resident, Nyarai Chikowore.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), acting under Government directives, has intensified efforts to restore order in urban transportation.

ZRP Spokesperson, Commissioner Paul Nyathi, announced in a statement today that on June 11, 2024, a total of 205 touts were arrested across the country as part of the ongoing operation dubbed "No to Mushika-shika and Touts." This brings the cumulative number of arrests for touts to 3,195.

Additionally, 826 motorists were arrested for engaging in illegal mshika-shika operations, pushing the cumulative total for such arrests to 13,308.

Moreover, Government’s commitment to restoring order in urban transportation is seen as a crucial element in ensuring public safety and improving the efficiency of legal transport services.

As the operation continues, the Government has pledged to sustain efforts to clean up the transportation sector. This initiative is expected to bring long-term benefits, including increased safety, reduced crime, and a more level playing field for legal transport operators.

The collective appreciation from transport operators and the public underscores the positive impact of the crackdown. Government’s proactive stance on this issue is a testament of its dedication to improving urban transportation and ensuring the well-being of its citizens.