Zimbabweans will win the sanctions war: Analysts

Staff Reporter

Zimbabweans remain resolute in solidarity as they campaign for the unequivocal removal of sanctions, political analysts have said.  

In an interview with this publication, political analyst, Calvin Chitsunge reiterated that the country will support President Mnangagwa’s call for the removal of sanctions which are harming the economy of Zimbabwe.

“We will continue to engage the American government through formal means as well as the vigil currently underway at the American Embassy in Westgate Harare.

“Remember, we even await the responses from the black American congressman having invited them to Zimbabwe to assess the effects of sanctions. Furthermore, we await for a request which we sent to the US Government where we seek it to meet different lobbyist groups and have primary evidence on impact of sanctions. BAAS will never leave the American Embassy until sanctions are removed,” said Chitsunge.

“We want America to remove their illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe. We made court applications at High Court demanding America to give us reasons why they are not responding to our correspondences on why they imposed illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe,” said Chitsunge.

Another political analyst, Blessed Gambiza called for the lifting of retrogressive sanctions which are undermining Zimbabwe, saying that youths in the country will remain resolute and supportive to the core duty to free their nation from the evil machinations of a regime change agenda tools utilised by the opposition and the West.

“We are calling upon all youths in our country to unite and support President Mnangagwa’s call at the recent UNGA78 to remove the illegal sanctions through solidarity and communication on social media platforms to support the government, said Gambiza. 

Meanwhile, during the UNGA78 address, President Mnangagwa made a vigorous call to remove illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe. This was seconded by President Ramaphosa of South Africa and President Geingob of Namibia who have been resilient in their solidarity call for the unconditional lifting of the illegal economic sanctions that cost Zimbabwe of billions of dollars in direct investments.