Low attendance at MDC rally sends shock waves at MRTH

By Tendai Matunhu

...as 3 000 out of the expected 50 000 showed up

 The attendance for the MDC’s Agenda 2020 held yesterday in Mbare, Harare was far below expectations, subsequently causing panic within the corridors of Morgan Richard Tsvangirai House, The Harare Post can reveal.

Speaking to this publication on condition of anonymity, an MDC official said the leadership expected close to 50 000 people, but less than 3 000 showed up.

“I can confirm that the number of people that attended yesterday’s event was far below what was expected. We expected close to 50 000 people at the event but only around 3000 people attended, of which most of them were people who reside in Mbare and wanted to hear and see Chamisa with a few from other Harare suburbs. This was not only due to failure to mobilise, but loss of appetite for rallies within the electorate.

“It is a fact that MDC members are tired of the same old story that our leader Nelson Chamisa is always preaching. There is nothing new. People are complaining that Chamisa’s addresses are not yielding anything. They say he is a man of words with no action,” said the official.

The source went on to say, “Chamisa’s addresses are not yielding anything because nothing fruitful comes out of them. He is always calling people to go into the streets, but nothing comes out of the demonstrations other than being harassed by security forces. For what? People are tired of being used, that is why they are no longer attending such gatherings.”

The poor attendance could be attributed to the divisions and mistrust within the MDC leadership.