Duty free cars for civil servants hailed

By Rudo Saungweme

Citizens have expressed gratitude over a non-monetary incentive extended to civil servants in which they can now buy cars not exceeding US$10 000 free of duty.

A senior Government official who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “This is evidence that Government is walking the talk on its promises to civil servants. Detractors will never run short of criticising words, there are people who never see anything good done by the Government. The new dispensation will not stop to deliver on its promises and projects until the country`s fortunes are turned around.”

One citizen called Ray Mbada has responded to Government detractors saying, “All thieves are busy lambasting this development, calculating civil servants’ salaries and carrying out a budget for them just to tell us everything is not well as if they have something better for them..

“We are just tired of your day-dreaming, leave civil servants alone and enjoy your dirty money in silence.”

 “The Government has done this as the employer to their employees, not every Zimbabwean works for the Government. Other employers can follow suit, normally what the Government does to its workers is used as a benchmark by other employees when negotiating for improvements in working conditions.

“People should not hold grudges with civil servants as if they directly determine their salaries. Some are bitter that their transport business may suffer as more workers would end up driving themselves, children, spouses, friends and colleagues to and from work or school. This is a workers` package not a hand-out. I hope we can as well get similar or way better packages from our different employers too,” Mbada said.

Government recently unveiled a $60 million housing facility for civil servants as part of its efforts to provide decent and affordable housing to the people. It has also indicated that it is awarding its workers $350 million beginning next month as a salary increment.