ZRP remain committed to serving the nation

By Bernard Mutambudzi

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has come out clean pledging its commitment to serving the nation particularly in light of the alleged rape incidents, believed to have occurred during the infamous three-day stay away, and encouraging victims to report.

Briefing journalists at a press conference in Harare, this Tuesday, Commissioner Charity Charamba appealed to women who are believed to have been raped by soldiers during the week in question to come forth and report them.

She in sighted that over one thousand people had been arrested over the  #Shutdown Zimbabwe stay away, which later turned out to be a looting spree from organized syndicates.

“I don’t agree that we are targeting members of the opposition or Zanu-Pf members but simply arresting members who destroyed property including buses,” said Charamba.

“We remain committed to serving the nation, and the law shall be applied without fear or favor,” said Charamba.

Charamba refuted the Sky News report circulating on various social media and other media channels saying the scenes occurred in 2016 but assured that if there had been any recurrence of such, then the security organization wouldn’t sweep them under the carpet.

She also assured that investigations on the security officers believed to be involved in the alleged rape cases were under way and so far only one case had been filed with the police.

ZRP Victim Friendly Co-ordinator, Commissioner Isabella Nyarai Sergio concurred with her adding that St Mary’s Chitungwiza is the only station which had filed a case of alleged rape during the period in question.

In the same vein, Rudo Mashingaidze from Adult Rape Clinic and Msasas Project encouraged traumatized survivors of sexual assault to sort their help.

“We are here to help you, and ZRP is appealing to the public to come forward with reports of Gender Based Violence (GBV)” she assured.