Local Journalists blast Chamisa

By Shongedzai Mugwagwa

Various local journalists have lambasted opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa, whom they are accusing of undermining the power of the media fraternity in Zimbabwe in his quest for international recognition.

Yesterday, Chamisa through his media desk invited local journalists for a press conference to be held at their party’s headquarters at Morgan Richard Tsvangirai House.

Journalists thronged the venue in anticipation of the presser which was slated for 1100 hours and later postponed to 1130 hours and after an hour of waiting; the presser was postponed indefinitely with no reasons given.

Shockingly, a few hours later, Chamisa was seen live on Aljezeera new channel giving them a live press conference from an undisclosed venue in Harare.

In a WhatsApp group of journalists, Chamisa was accused of snubbing them and giving a scoop to a foreign media house obviously undermining the power of local media.

One of them posed a question; “Saka Nelson Chamisa aona local media isina kukosha and decided to cancel the presser. As if it was not enough, he decided to exclusively give it to Aljezeera alone.”

The question sparked an outrage as many responses poured in attacking the opposition leader.

“He is seeking international attention in his wishful thinking clouded by ambitiousness. I wonder if local media cannot grant the same,” submits one journalist in the group.

The above submission was supported by other like minded journalist who said that Chamisa was only bent on putting the country on international radar.

“Is that a strategy to get Zimbabwe on international spotlight in hope of getting donor funds given the precarious financial position his party is in currently,” said another journalist.

Another journalist submitted that Chamisa views local media as mere puppies even if he offends their integrity, when he calls them next time, they will, like puppies, come wagging their tails.

In his interview with Aljezeera, Chamisa complained that the State has shown a heavy security hand in the past demonstrations which he said Government should release all culprits linked to the violent demonstration which took place last week during the ZCTU organised stay away.

He received a lot of condemnation from citizens who accused him of supporting acts of criminality which took place during the violent protests which saw many security infrastructures and establishment run over by the protesters.

Citizens were violently coerced to heed the demonstrations, with roads barricaded by big stones and in Kuwadzana a tipper with river sand was offloaded in the middle of the road, signalling the Chamisa threat of making the country ungovernable using the term; tozvidira jecha.