Temba Mliswa denounces last week’s events

By Zivanai Dhewa

Member of Parliament for Norton, Temba Mliswa, has been attacked by MDC Alliance supporters for appearing on a South African television station eNCA, criticizing last week’s bloody skirmishes that led to the loss of property and life.

On his Twitter page, Mliswa sought to clarify his interview in which he condemned the MDC actions that led to civil unrest under the guise of a stay away.

“There is nothing wrong with a Constitutional, peaceful demonstration/protest, but when such infringes on other people’s right to movement, becomes violent, causes damage to property or is hijacked by hooligans, security forces are mandated to step in to quell the riots,” wrote Mliswa on his Twitter handle.

In an expose that revealed the MDC had planned to sacrifice life to achieve their goal, an audience on the International community, one netizen identified only as Tunga Gotora, posted on Twitter in response to Temba, saying “when you spoke on @eNCA, you represented ZANU PF and its interest as well, unfortunately the world is watching, watch this space.”

However, Jaqueline Sande argued saying “peaceful demonstrations are the proper way to air grievances and initiate dialogue.  Violence and hooliganism leads to the total breakdown of the rule of law. May we as a nation always choose peace over power ambitions, unity over political discord.”

Temba Mliswa, stuck to his position despite people trying to discourage him for stating the obvious.

“I can’t speak on behalf of individual cases that I’m not privy to, but believe that where incidents occurred that investigations should take place.  It’s unfortunate that at times people take advantage of confusion but investigations should help establish things,” said the Norton Member of Parliament.