Be innovative Minister urges SMEs

By Bernard Mutambudzi.

Minister of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprise Development, Stembiso Nyoni, has urged entrepreneurs to be innovative in order to create employment for youths.

The Minister said this while officiating a Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) interface meeting with various associations today in Harare where associations updated Government with information surrounding  the wave of demonstrations, looting and destruction of property organised by MDC Alliance and its surrogates which they witnessed.

“Government is there to create an environment for you to thrive, don’t wait for the same to create employment for the youths,” she said.

She also said Government creates business opportunities by putting in place relevant policies, laws and necessary support systems that enable businesses to thrive.

“As entrepreneurs you have the role to play in the running of this economy, remember you control 60 per cent of the Zimbabwean economy,” she said.

President of National SMEs, Daniel Chinyemba, said women constitute 70 percent of cross borders and are part of the economic players in Zimbabwe.

“Women you are the majority of economic players constituting 70 percent of all cross borders in Zimbabwe, you need to have a resolve that you are carrying the economy,” said Chinyemba.

He also said SMEs are the engine of economic growth and countries like Hong Kong, China and Japan used local resources to spur their economy.

“Don’t be hoodwinked into joining the so called stay away which turned out to be a looting spree with demonstrators destroying infrastructure necessary for the revival of the economy. Zimbabwe is reckoned as a country with a disciplined labour force,” said Chinyemba.