Uncertainty surrounds Chamisa’s planned rally in Bulawayo

Political Reporter

Nelson Chamisa's much-anticipated rally in Bulawayo, initially slated for December 3, is now shrouded in uncertainty due to growing internal discord within the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

The rally, intended to galvanise support for the CCC's Bulawayo candidates in the upcoming by-elections on December 9, 2023, now hangs in the balance.

A source close to the party's inner workings revealed that the proposal for the rally came from a senior CCC member in Bulawayo.

This member reportedly urged that party's Movement Organiser, Amos Chibaya, to convince Chamisa to address the gathering, aiming to attract supporters from Nketa, Mpompoma, Magwegwe, and Cowdry Park.

"The idea was to show a united front and rally our supporters in Bulawayo," the source said.

While Chamisa initially agreed to the proposal, his intelligence unit reportedly warned him of potential humiliation.

"Chamisa's team informed him that his presence in Bulawayo might not be well received, as many members there are now aligning with Tshabangu and Welshman Ncube, who are increasingly seen as the real strategists within the CCC," the source elaborated.

Further complicating matters, the rally's planning has been hampered by a lack of financial support from party members.

"Many are hesitant to contribute, blaming the current chaos within the party on Chamisa's refusal to hold a congress to elect leaders and adopt a constitution," the source explained.

The source also indicated that holding the rally in Bulawayo could be misconstrued as an acknowledgment of Tshabangu's growing influence in the party.

"Some within the CCC view this as Chamisa silently conceding to Tshabangu's power," the source added.

Given these challenges, the source suggested that the rally might be scaled down to a cluster format.

"The prospect of a large-scale rally is now in jeopardy. We are likely to see smaller, more localised gatherings instead, as the party grapples with these internal bickerings," the source stated.

This development reflects the broader challenges facing the CCC, as it prepares for the by-elections amidst internal strife. With the future of Chamisa's rally in Bulawayo uncertain, the CCC finds itself at a crucial juncture that could significantly impact its political trajectory in Zimbabwe.