Chamisa clashes with party members over crisis resolution strategy

A reliable source within CCC, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter, revealed that a caucus meeting involving key figures like Charlton Hwende, Joanna Mamombe, Gift 'Ostallos' Siziva, Lynnette Karenyi Kore, Wellington Chikombo, and Prosper Mutseyami concluded with a resolution to engage interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu, along with co-vice presidents, Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube.

According to the source, the intention behind this meeting was to halt the ongoing recalls of legislators from Parliament and councillors from councils, which have been causing significant unrest within the party.

"The group believes that engaging with Tshabangu, Biti, and Ncube is the most pragmatic approach to starve off further recalls and stabilize the party. They are convinced that this dialogue is necessary for the greater good of CCC," the source explained.

However, when Chamisa was approached with this resolution, he reportedly reacted vehemently, expressing his outright refusal to "stoop so low" as to engage with Tshabangu, Biti, and Ncube, whom he labelled as traitors.

"I have already deleted the trio's contacts from my phone," Chamisa allegedly stated, underlining his firm stance.

The source added, "Chamisa fumed at the suggestion of having any interface with Tshabangu and his allies. He sees it as a betrayal of the opposition movement’s principles. Anyone who engages with them is viewed as a traitor in his eyes."

This internal discord comes at a tumultuous time for CCC, as Tshabangu is expected to initiate more recalls, which could further deepen the crisis.

Meanwhile, there are unconfirmed reports that some legislators and councillors are now covertly reaching out to Tshabangu, imploring him not to recall them and asserting their neutrality in the conflict with Chamisa.